friday, august 9, 2024
blog beginnings

11:17 am

you know ie think itll be really cool 222 make a little blog on neocities and just transferring all these little texts and messages I've made ine this channel into that blog

ite wouldn't take much html if ie wanted 222 be #mysterious

nah ime never mysterious have you Seen my messages here

11:45 am

ie find ite so fascinating on how you can tell people apart based on like a smell they leave a smell as ine like natural idk like. ie can tell if something's been ine my cousin's house based on how ite smells and it's like not an unpleasant smell it's like Yeah that's them idk . Like you can just tell

12:15 am

ie can't stop sending corny reels ie can't Stop sending corny reels

12:27 am

If you wanna date me you gotta fight my 7️⃣ evil Favourite Characters that suspiciously all have either blond hair or glasses (or both)

1:06 pm

Look what ie found! It's a stinky dog! smelly dog Aawwwhhhhhhhg my smelly dog (crawling darkly) (screaming) (twisted) (crawling darkly) (screaming) (twisting) (crawling darkly) (screaming) (crawling) (twisting) (splitting) (creeping darkly) (tumbling) (crawling violently) (twisting) (convulsing) (roaring) (creeping) (growling sinisterly) (crawling) (splitting) (walking ashore) (twisting) (convulsing) (creeping) (walking twisted) (attack regardless of target)

1:32 pm


ie have. Not known this.

1:53 pm

ie fear ie act like a vampire (by the invitation rule)

"By requiring an invitation, vampires cannot simply barge into someone's home against their will."

ie MUST be invited or else ie will not come (ine most cases)

3:44 pm

wakes up

ie hasd a dream

ie was playing parkour on a cool playground and ie took breaks ine between Roger was sending me pictures showing his cool things he made (111 of them including a fort, forgot the rest) and blast was also texting me but ie forgot what of

5:53 pm

Goddammit frank iero was ine my dream

basically ie was going 222 a cool merch store he worked at and ie was like 222 a friend who went with us We should wait outside since we weren't gonna come ine but then my friend just dragged me inside and we saw the cool merch and then my friend dragged me into the car and started driving home and then ie had 222 call Frank (apparently we are either just connected closely or just actual family?) 222 tell him that oh umm we might've left without telling U don't freak out and he's like it's good lil dude ime gonna come home anyway and then he just drives home as me and my friend got home and R chilling


Thanks ie didn't even need 222 tease my hair anyway

saturday, august 10, 2024
haircut and sleepover

2:10 am

(At 4 AM, piggy's diary) hey guys

adding this out of spite. you know who you are.

3:11 am

ie just saw the yummiest mikey way edit ever holy shit Hooolllyy shit hold me back

nobody shall know about this. goodnight.

4:50 am

ie can't sleep.

ie remembered about the time when ie was being picked on, my stuffed animal being passed around like a football. yeah, was ie a young little kid, but damn did ite feel like they were playing with a bar of gold ine front of my eyes. just that ite was shaped like a bunny, with blue minky fur

ill never forget that little drawing ie made of that stuffed animal, literal tear stains on that piece of paper as ie drew what ie wanted back . thank god ie got my little stuffy back. dunno where ite ise now. miss u

4:55 am

holy shit excuse me ie was Edgy as Hell!!!!! sorry. late Night Memories. memories..? thnks fr th mmrs?

6:11 am

ie walk 222 burger king then ie walk back home from burger king

saturday, august 17, 2024

11:42 pm

ie really gotta update this dont ie, sigh